FALL 2019
Bespoke in Burnaby
32 Cabinets • Kitchen Remodel • Full Bathroom Reno

Kitchen Remodel
Full Bathroom Reno
Cost: $20,000
This was a really rewarding project for us because our clients entrusted us to update their entire bathroom! This beautiful sun-drenched penthouse apartment in Burnaby had a lot going for it: a well-situated kitchen, cabinets in good shape, and bright wraparound windows. Even so, the kitchen was quite dark and the bathrooms were in need of some help. So the client called us in to work our magic.
CABINETS | On this complete kitchen remodel we started with our LOW VOC waterborne lacquer, refinishing her dark stained cabinets to give them a bright, modern, low-sheen finish. The cabinets were resprayed with Benjamin Moore’s classic grey “Gull Wing Gray” (2134-50). This gave her the look and feel of new cabinets, but at less than half the cost of demolishing them and installing new ones. To wrap up the four-day kitchen renovation process, we re-installed the existing handles to keep costs down. To improve on the function of the cabinets, we added soft-close hardware to the doors and drawers so they no longer slam when closed. The bathroom vanity cabinet received the same treatment.

COUNTERTOPS | The client wanted a nice contrast with the grey cabinets so they went with our recommendation of a high-quality but cost-effective quartz in white, with a beautiful veining throughout the slab. The faux marble style offers the look of natural stone but without the sealing, risk of staining, or brittle nature of natural stone. We also supplied an extremely cost-effective and beautiful dual-vessel 18 gauge stainless steel sink, complete with fitted bottom grates and drain filters. We’re all about finding the best materials without the bloated costs!
BACKSPLASH | Once we let her know that we’d found quartz backsplashes to actually be a more cost-effective solution than tile, our client was on board to continue her marble pattern right up onto her backsplash, which gives the feel of a bigger space and makes it a dream to clean. We ran the quartz backsplash all the way up to the ceiling for a clean and dramatic look that helps open up the space.

The owners hated their bathroom, but thought a renovation would be too costly. So we showed them our numbers. After the shower was finished, new counters and fixtures installed, and the walls painted, it was hard to even recognize the space!

BATHROOM | The bathroom was our favourite part of this whole transformation. Our client’s entire bathroom was out of date. The owners hated it, but thought a bathroom renovation would be too costly to undertake. When we put together the numbers, they were pleasantly surprised with how cost-effective we could be. So we demolished the shower completely, installing a beautiful 12×24 glossy white ceramic tile complete with a 12×12 niche, and finishing it beautifully with a seamless glass enclosure. For the bathroom floor we installed a matte 12×24 ceramic tile overtop of the existing tile, which saved both time and money. Once the new toilet, countertop, plumbing fixtures, and towel bars were installed, and wall paint completed, it was hard to even recognize the space!

Bathroom Before

Kitchen Before

Bathroom After

Kitchen After
The entire process only took us under two weeks, which was great for our clients who actually visited family and friends while we worked away as quickly as possible.
By using our recommended products and refinishing her cabinets instead of demolishing everything, she not only saved at least $20,000 and a month of renovation time, she also saved perfectly good cabinets from the landfill. That’s what we call a win-win and it’s why we do what we do!